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State government

The latest state government news from The Texas Tribune.

  • Accidents Will Happen

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  • Reform Follows Function

    Use our data app to find "persistently lowest performing" schools in Texas.
  • TribWeek: In Case You Missed It

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  • Department of Public Stimulus

    Security camera towers loom over the Rio Grande River.
  • Primary Color: HD-146

  • A Hard Road

  • Burned Orange

    Bill Powers speaks about budget cuts at The University of Texas on Tuesday, February 2nd.
  • Seat Warmers?

    Rep. Carol Kent, D-Dallas, and Rep. Robert Miklos, D-Mesquite
  • 2010: Short on Seed Corn

    Hank Gilbert in Austin
  • 2010: Game On in HD-76

    State Rep. Norma Chavez, D-El Paso