In San Antonio, rent is rising but wages aren’t
The city already has some of the worst poverty and segregation rates in the country. Now increasing rents are leaving low-income households struggling to keep up with the cost of living. Full Story
Texas is booming, but can you still afford to live here? For a growing number of Texans, finding a home they can afford in a neighborhood they like has become increasingly difficult. This series explores the reasons why.
The city already has some of the worst poverty and segregation rates in the country. Now increasing rents are leaving low-income households struggling to keep up with the cost of living. Full Story
Under Texas law, landlords cannot be punished for discriminating against families with federal housing vouchers. The impact is clear in Houston, where one in four families who receive housing assistance never gets to use it. Full Story
We analyzed housing data in hundreds of Texas ZIP codes to create a searchable tool so readers can see how affordable their neighborhood is. Full Story
Demographics, income and location all play roles in the difficulties Texans face finding an affordable home in a neighborhood they like. Full Story
Experts say that as more high-income Texans rent, prices on existing homes are driven up. Meanwhile, the number of expensive units in the state is increasing as more affordable homes disappear. Full Story
Elected officials have bickered over how to respond to Texans experiencing homelessness, and President Donald Trump tapped a man who founded a San Antonio shelter to coordinate the federal government's approach. Meanwhile, homeless Texans say they're often misunderstood. Full Story
Gov. Greg Abbott has focused attention on homeless Austin residents. But many more Texans are homeless in other parts of the state. Full Story
Undocumented immigrants don't qualify for federal housing assistance. But a new U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development rule barring such residents from subsidized homes could prompt evictions of families. Full Story
State Rep. Eric Johnson said he plans to file legislation that would halt the practice of soliciting letters from elected officials supporting or opposing housing developments being considered for federal tax credits. Full Story
At roundtable discussions in Dallas, Texans identified how expensive housing affects economic mobility and quality of life. And they came up with ideas on how policymakers can help residents. Full Story
We're livestreaming our conversation in Dallas on affordable housing in the Metroplex and communities across Texas. Full Story
Should the state or federal government increase the minimum wage? We asked Texas candidates running for office how to improve affordability with questions crowdsourced from young Texans. Full Story
We're livestreaming our two-day event in College Station, diving into the most pressing issues facing rural communities across Texas. Tune in and include your community in the conversation. Full Story
Through live events, investigative reporting and interactive data projects, we've been diving deep into the biggest issues facing communities across Texas. Now we want to hear from you. Full Story
We've prepared a toolkit to help Texans build a dialogue about housing issues in their community. It has everything you need to get started. Full Story
Hurricane Ike ravaged Galveston in 2008 and touched off a fierce battle over whether to rebuild the city's destroyed public housing. A decade later, less than half of it has been replaced. The prolonged saga offers a cautionary tale for Texas as it launches the long-term recovery process after Hurricane Harvey. Full Story
When the Houston Housing Authority tried to build in low-income neighborhoods, housing advocates and the feds blocked the projects. When they turned to wealthier areas, neighbors and politicians shot them down. Will anything change once federal money starts to flow after Hurricane Harvey? Full Story
Officials from battered towns and counties — including one who said he's had suicidal thoughts — told lawmakers that too many residents are sleeping in tents and hotels more than two months after Hurricane Harvey. Full Story
Noemi Pina is among hundreds of West Dallas residents who have been ensnared in a battle between their landlord and Dallas City Hall. Full Story
A new Harvard study found that Americans — especially poorer ones — are having a harder time find a suitable place to call home. Texas lawmakers, experts and development industry leaders say there are plenty of reasons why that's true here, too. Full Story
State Rep. Eric Johnson's bill aimed at providing relief for the epicenter of Dallas' affordable housing crisis is among legislation expected to be blocked from a House vote on Friday. That would likely kill his bill. Full Story
The federal agency's inquiry comes after a City Hall audit raised questions about the way housing officials documented their oversight of subsidized projects. Full Story