Oil Patch Schools Facing Budget Nightmare
The oil bust is threatening to deal a serious financial blow to schools in oil-producing regions across the state — particularly if it lingers. Full Story
Our Rough Patch series was an in-depth look at how the plunging oil prices of 2016 reversed fortunes across Texas.
The oil bust is threatening to deal a serious financial blow to schools in oil-producing regions across the state — particularly if it lingers. Full Story
Amid the worst oil bust in decades, the energy capital of West Texas hasn’t slowed down much. Full Story
Nearly three decades ago, Perryton's town-wide celebration for $20-per-barrel oil made news across the country, delivering a hopeful message to those mired in an oil bust. The Panhandle town faces a modern day oil bust, but residents are sure they'll stay on the map. Full Story
Cotulla, population 4,000, built 20 hotels during a yearslong oil boom, calling itself the "Hotel Capital" of the Eagle Ford Shale. A plunge in oil prices has prompted questions about whether that was a good idea. Full Story
Has the oil downturn impacted you or someone you know? Share your story with our reporters. Full Story