Fighting maternal mortality: A resource guide for Texas mothers
As part of our ongoing examination of maternal health care in Texas, we’ve compiled resources for expectant mothers and mothers who recently gave birth. Full Story
The Texas Tribune traveled across Texas and as far as Poland to investigate why women are dying after childbirth and what can be done to prevent those deaths. Is Texas doing enough to stop moms from dying?
As part of our ongoing examination of maternal health care in Texas, we’ve compiled resources for expectant mothers and mothers who recently gave birth. Full Story
After a months-long investigation, the Tribune found that the state's data on maternal mortality is a moving target, that the number of women dying during or after pregnancy is still rising and that the state has missed opportunities to improve women's health programs. Full Story
Our readers asked a Texas mother, who experienced birth complications, and The Texas Tribune’s Marissa Evans about the state’s increasing maternal mortality rate and what the state is doing to improve the situation. Here’s what they had to say. Full Story
Across Texas, rural hospitals are facing a difficult decision: Whether to continue delivering babies as the number of births falls and the cost of providing the service rises. Full Story
A study published this week in a medical journal revealed that a new state methodology drastically reduced the count of maternal deaths in Texas for 2012. What will that mean for state policy on maternal mortality? Full Story
Poland and Texas have comparable populations, conservative governments and stringent anti-abortion policies. But they differ significantly in how health care is delivered for women — and in the role they allow midwives to play in the childbirth process. Full Story