Year in Review: Politics
2013 wasn't supposed to be a very political year, but in this very political state, it became one. Full Story
As 2013 comes to a close, we take a look back at some of the most important Texas stories of the year gone by.
2013 wasn't supposed to be a very political year, but in this very political state, it became one. Full Story
In 2013, for the third straight year, the Texas higher education story that bogarted the limelight was the ongoing tension swirling around the University of Texas System. But there are reasons to believe that won't be the case in 2014. Full Story
A sampling of our coverage in 2013, from our Bidness as Usual series to filibusters and fauxlibusters, water fights to death row, health care to politics, and a month full of ways the Texas Legislature changed our civic life. Full Story
Advocates for immigration reform hoped 2013 was the year they'd get a comprehensive overhaul of the country’s immigration system. But lawmakers left D.C. without passing a measure. Full Story
Fallout from the high-profile Michael Morton exoneration along with more prison closures and growing concerns about the mentally ill in Texas prisons dominated criminal justice headlines in 2013. Full Story
For transportation advocates in Texas, concerns over a lack of funding overwhelmed all other issues in 2013. Full Story
A new direction for standardized testing, expansion for charter schools, No Child Left Behind jettisoned and the aftermath of a cheating scandal: 2013 was a significant year for Texas public education policy. Full Story
We had especially provocative and interesting guests as part of our TribLive conversation series in 2013. Here are 10 must-watch clips from the many interviews we conducted. Full Story
Oil and gas production, pipelines, the Railroad Commission and questions about Texas’ energy grid all grabbed headlines in 2013. Full Story
Texas' health care system underwent big changes in 2013 between the rollout of the Affordable Care Act and the abortion restrictions that passed in the 83rd legislative session. Full Story
The drought dominated environmental headlines in Texas this year, along with rising concerns about the consequences of fracking and, as always, growing disputes between Texas and the feds. Full Story