Watch a special taping of our post-election TribCast
Tune in to watch a special live taping of our popular weekly podcast the day after the Nov. 6 midterm elections. We talked Beto, Cruz, and congressional and Texas legislative races. Full Story
The latest Larry Gonzales news from The Texas Tribune.
Tune in to watch a special live taping of our popular weekly podcast the day after the Nov. 6 midterm elections. We talked Beto, Cruz, and congressional and Texas legislative races. Full Story
The timing of sexual misconduct allegations against Texas state Sen. Charles Schwertner could affect more than his election chances in November; it could affect the chances of other Republican candidates whose districts overlap his. Full Story
Republican Reggie Smith is poised to replace former state Rep. Larry Phillips, R-Sherman, after Smith drew no opponents Thursday in the special election for the seat. Full Story
State Rep. Larry Gonzales, R-Round Rock, resigned this week; he had already decided against serving another term. Full Story
Two years ago, Texas had made no progress archiving its electronic records. With the launch this year of the Texas Digital Archive — and the release of seven terabytes of Rick Perry's digital legacy — Texas has become a national leader. Full Story
At our 12/9 symposium on cybersecurity and privacy, I talked about the cybersecurity of state agencies and government entities with state Rep. Larry Gonzales, R-Round Rock; Todd Kimbriel, interim executive director of the Texas Department of Information Resources; Jesse Rivera, chief information security officer at the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts; and state Sen. Judith Zaffirini, D-Laredo. Full Story
House and Senate leaders are in the midst of intense negotiations over a budget rider that could kill a proposed $12 billion bullet train project connecting Dallas and Houston. Full Story
With more than 350 amendments filed for debate, House members are in the midst of a budget discussion that will stretch well into Tuesday night. State Rep. Larry Gonzales, R-Round Rock, sheds some light on the process. Full Story
Recent episodes highlight a rapidly deteriorating relationship between the cowboy hat-wearing agriculture commissioner and the Legislature that once counted Sid Miller as one of its own. Full Story
Full video of our 9/30 TribLive conversation about demographic change and the digital divide with Juanita Budd of Austin Free-Net; state Rep. Larry Gonzales, R-Round Rock; Don Shirley of Connected Texas; and former State Rep. Mark Strama, D-Austin. Full Story
With most candidates' campaigns for the March primaries in full swing, Hispanic Republicans trying to increase their numbers in the state House are mostly looking past the primaries. Their main fight is in November. Full Story
We have liveblogged each of the sessions from The 2013 Texas Tribune Festival's Immigration track. The sessions included panels on immigration reform, Latinos and the Republican Party, securing the border, and the Voting Rights Act. Full Story
Full video of Julián Aguilar's February 21 TribLive conversation about the impact of demographic change on public policy with state Reps. Rafael Anchia, D-Dallas, and Larry Gonzales, R-Round Rock. Full Story
At Thursday's TribLive conversation, state Reps. Rafael Anchia, D-Dallas, and Larry Gonzales, R-Round Rock, talked to Julián Aguilar about disenfranchising voters. Full Story
At Thursday's TribLive conversation, state Reps. Rafael Anchia, D-Dallas, and Larry Gonzales, R-Round Rock, talked to Julián Aguilar about the intersection of public education and demographic change. Full Story
At Thursday's TribLive conversation, state Reps. Rafael Anchia, D-Dallas, and Larry Gonzales, R-Round Rock, talked to Julián Aguilar about a path to citizenship, a guest worker program and other controversial immigration reform proposals. Full Story
Three members of the House are pushing legislation that would end the Texas Driver Responsibility Program — a program they say has been ineffective. Full Story
Conversations about the coming Hispanic majority and the 82nd session from our New Day Rising symposium, M. Smith on the latest tort reform battle, Galbraith on greater scrutiny of the gas industry, Ramsey on whether lawmakers will cut their own pay and benefits, Ramshaw and Aguilar on what's holding up abortion sonogram legislation, Aguilar on the ag commissioner's controversial new website, Philpott on what $9.8 billion in public education cuts looks like, Hamilton on a snippy exchange of higher ed letters and Grissom on the latest court decision in the Hank Skinner case: The best of our best content from March 7 to 11, 2011. Full Story
At the Tribune's New Day Rising symposium on Feb. 28, four members of the Texas House talked about the issues affecting the Hispanic community — and all Texans — during the 82nd Legislative Session. Full Story
The voter ID legislation passed by the Texas Senate on Wednesday night may be controversial, but it’s a familiar debate, as is the issue of “sanctuary cities.” Less well known but no less controversial are many of the provisions found in more than three dozen immigration-related bills filed so far. Some Hispanic Republicans in the Texas House say they are not going to support bills they believe are too extreme. Full Story