Meeting the historic moment: Texas lawmakers get results
By Texas 2036
Texas 2036 is a nonprofit organization building long-term, data-driven strategies to secure Texas’ prosperity through our state’s bicentennial and beyond.
Texas lawmakers have worked hard to meet the historic moment presented by this legislative session, laying a robust foundation through a series of prudent investments to secure the future of our state across a number of vital areas.
“At Texas 2036, our team helped lay the groundwork beginning with the legislative interim for our efforts this session. Employing the Texas 2036 difference, we dove in with a data-rooted approach to dialogues and stakeholder events in support of strategic decisions to leverage the state’s historic budget surplus for long-term investments in vital infrastructure and high-impact reforms.”
From fortifying water infrastructure and reforming community college finance to ensuring high-quality curriculum in schools and revitalizing health care markets, our data-driven approach supported lawmakers with actionable and impactful policies as they sought to address the issues that matter most to Texans and our state's future.
We supported lawmakers as they made strides in multiple other policy areas, including securing investments in the expansion of broadband internet service that will help knit underserved and unserved areas of the state into the internet-based 21st century economy — much like the farm-to-market road system that integrated Texas’ urban and rural economies in the 20th century.
We also supported legislative efforts to position Texas as a leader — not just nationally but globally — in the exciting and emerging technologies that promise to shape the economy of the future.
That includes lawmakers’ establishment of the Texas Space Commission, which promises to help guide and promote the growth of the commercial space industry, projected to be a $1 trillion dollar industry by 2040. It includes, too, lawmakers taking some important steps toward putting frameworks in place to foster the responsible development of technologies around flying vehicles and artificial intelligence.
We supported legislators as they tackled other essential concerns, such as reassessing the state’s approach to law enforcement, addressing court backlogs, and improving workforce systems to better serve our veterans.
By the close of the regular session last month, legislators had passed dozens of bills and constitutional amendments that we supported across our policy areas of education and workforce, health care, infrastructure, government performance, and justice and safety.
Taken together, this legislation would optimize the investments made possible by Texas' historic budget surplus and represent key steps toward solving many of the state's biggest challenges. We remain committed to supporting the state's decision makers in implementing these ongoing efforts so that together, we can ensure a prosperous Texas.
As we look beyond the current Legislature, we have already begun strategizing our next steps.
This includes continuing to collect data and prepare reports, build statewide coalitions, draw media attention, attend speaking engagements, grow our social media following, and garner more supporters like you throughout the entire state.
To keep up with some of the biggest legislative successes we supported during the 88th Legislature, check out this summary of key accomplishments from the regular session in education & workforce, infrastructure, health care, justice and safety, and government performance.
“Our vision isn’t limited to the current session or even to the next one. Rather, we’re looking to keep pushing — all gas and no brakes — through our bicentennial in 2036 and beyond. Let's continue this journey together and work cooperatively to ensure Texas remains the best place to live and work now and in the decades to come.”