INVISTA’s Victoria wetland demonstrates company’s longstanding stewardship commitment
INVISTA is a leading producer of chemical intermediates for the polypropylene and nylon value chains.
Just a short drive off State Highway 185 between Victoria, Texas, and the town of Bloomington, surrounded by fields and industrial-looking warehouses, is something you would not expect to find: a thriving 53-acre wetland.
But there, about 10 miles from downtown Victoria, you will find all manner of plant and animal life thriving in a wetland ecosystem that provides a mutually beneficial environment for wildlife and local communities.
In 1997, INVISTA Victoria set out to build the wetland as part of its advanced above-ground biological treatment system.
The Victoria wetland is a unique example of INVISTA’s enduring dedication to environmental stewardship. For decades, INVISTA has demonstrated its commitment through various initiatives aimed at enhancing energy efficiency, improving air and water quality, reducing greenhouse gas emissions and responsibly managing resources.
Since 1992, INVISTA's South Carolina facility has earned its Conservation Certification from the national Wildlife Habitat Council (WHC). In 2022, the team demonstrated their ongoing commitment to environmental stewardship by being recognized as a Certified Silver facility, placing their leadership among the 620 WHC Conservation Certification programs spanning 18 countries.
INVISTA’s established stewardship initiatives and ongoing efforts across U.S. sites set the stage for what the INVISTA wetland would become. In 1997, planning and construction for the Victoria wetland officially began.
The human-made site is the primary water source linked to INVISTA's advanced above-ground biological treatment system. The wetland provides an additional natural water-polishing step to the site's surface water before it enters the Guadalupe River.
In addition to the wetland’s role in the site's biotreatment process, it also serves as an outdoor environmental classroom through a long-standing collaboration with the Victoria Independent School District.
Now, 25 years later, more than 82,000 students and educators have visited the wetland to learn more about wildlife and vegetation growth, along with the accomplishment of combining business and environmental goals into one.
“A lot of this wildlife wouldn't exist without the wetland. The wetland builds a natural predator-prey environment; each detail is part of the food chain. The cycle begins with the wetland because many of these animals could only be born and thrive here.”
— John Snyder, environmental science specialist for Victoria Independent School District
The wetland was developed, designed and built with input and guidance from the site's Wetland Advisory Team, consisting of engineers, scientists, wetland experts, wildlife specialists and local community members.
The community and educators have made the wetland what it is today. Without their help, the wetland would have looked very different.
“When we built it, we involved the community and outside entities to help us design it. Some very early designs looked like what an engineer would design, very linear and geometric. We realized we needed to involve the community.”
— Jason Leigh, technical manager at INVISTA's Victoria facility
While environmental stewardship is a cornerstone of INVISTA's stewardship framework, it encompasses much more, including environmental, social and governance initiatives.
INVISTA's Longview and Victoria sites recently received the 2023 Caring for Texas Awards from the Texas Chemical Council for community involvement and operational excellence.
This recognition highlights the sites' support of local emergency responders through INVISTA's Helping Heroes Program and community partnerships with organizations that support workforce development, education and youth leadership.
Providing educational opportunities to our youth is yet another important pillar in INVISTA's stewardship initiatives. Multiple Outstanding Student Scholarships are offered annually to schools in local communities for students pursuing careers in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) fields. Additionally, as part of INVISTA's partnership with the Children's Museum of Houston, the "How Does It Work?" exhibit recently used polypropylene from the Longview site for an innovative learning activity.
“Corporate responsibility and stewardship are extremely important to INVISTA. This wetland provides benefits not just for Victoria but for visitors from across the globe, and these efforts demonstrate how important taking care of our community, the environment and helping educate people on the importance of stewardship are to INVISTA.”
— John Snyder, environmental science specialist for Victoria Independent School District
INVISTA's stewardship approach:
INVISTA is driven by a vision to deliver better products while consuming fewer resources. From using these resources efficiently to maintaining safe and sustainable practices, everything is guided by the pursuit of mutually beneficial outcomes with customers, employees, suppliers and the communities in which the company operates.