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Hobby School tackles policy to find solutions through education, research and service

Policy affects all areas of life and our communities need professionals who can analyze, interpret and lead change for public good. Graduates of the Hobby School hit the ground running in their future careers, given their mastery of both the technical and humanistic aspects of public policy.

Complementing its graduate programs, the UH Hobby School of Public Affairs will begin offering bachelor degrees in public policy in Spring 2022.


The Hobby School of Public Affairs tackles research to answer difficult public policy questions through both quantitative and qualitative methods.
Jim Granato, Dean, Hobby School of Public Affairs

Service that matters

Hobby student Christian Aguirre served in Texas Sen. Carol Alvarado’s office during the 87th Texas legislative which led to a full-time staff position.

Relevant research

“The Hobby School aims to have a national and international impact that starts here in Texas,” says Jim Granato, Dean, Hobby School of Public Affairs. “We are about public service. We are about giving students life skills. We are about research that makes lives better in Houston, Texas, the U.S. and the world.”

— Jim Granato, Dean, Hobby School of Public Affairs