Common Ground at the Bush Center Library
By Common Ground, a Stand Together initiative
Stand Together is a philanthropic community made up of hundreds of business leaders and social entrepreneurs dedicated to helping people improve their lives.
Despite the divisive rhetoric, the majority of Americans (75%) [Quinnipiac University Poll, 01/29/19] believe that immigration is a good thing for our country. In fact, 93% [CBS News, 10/19/18] of Americans agree that welcoming people from different cultures is an important aspect of our way of life. Why, then, are we fighting?
Common Ground, a Stand Together initiative, is changing the narrative of one of the most divisive issues across the country, immigration. We can begin solving some of the biggest problems in our society if we start focusing on what unites us rather than the things that divide us.
The experiential project reveals the surprising truth about immigration. Contrary to what we hear in the news, a majority of Americans actually agree that immigration is good, the system is broken, and we need to come together to fix it. Our exhibit will open its doors soon at the Bush Center Library | 2943 SMU Boulevard, Dallas, TX 75205. Stay tuned here.