"You may all go to hell, I am going to Texas.” Nine Texas lawmakers bid goodbye to Congress
With nearly two centuries of Texas experience departing Congress this week, the lawmakers reflect on their tenures on Capitol Hill. Full Story
The latest Ted Poe news from The Texas Tribune.
With nearly two centuries of Texas experience departing Congress this week, the lawmakers reflect on their tenures on Capitol Hill. Full Story
As Congress prepares to begin a new term, most of the Texans returning to the U.S. House will by adjusting to a new reality – either as a member of the majority or the minority for the first time. Full Story
Crenshaw is running for an open seat in a Houston-area district. His opponent also condemned the joke. Full Story
While little separates veteran Dan Crenshaw and state Rep. Kevin Roberts on policy, their Republican runoff has grown nasty as they argue over past Facebook posts and accusations of mudslinging. The winner is likely to end up in Congress. Full Story
State Rep. Kevin Roberts and retired Navy SEAL Dan Crenshaw will face off in the May 22 Republican primary runoff for Texas' 2nd Congressional District. Hear where the Houston-area candidates stand on issues like the Hurricane Harvey response and gun safety. Full Story
In a crowded race for an open seat in Congress, Republican donor Kathaleen Wall has dominated the field and the local airwaves, frustrating other challengers who still hope to continue the contest in a runoff. Full Story
A half-dozen members of the Texas congressional delegation have already given up their seats — and the elections haven't even started yet. This cycle could see more changes than a redistricting year, when disruption is the norm. Full Story
Four Texans in Congress – U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz, and U.S. Reps. John Culberson of Houston, Ted Poe of Humble and Lamar Smith of San Antonio – were outraised by a Democratic challenger in the last quarter. Full Story
Texas Democrats on Capitol Hill are calling for more Congressional oversight, amid news reports of Trump allies communicating with Russian officials. Full Story
U.S. Rep. Ted Poe, R-Humble, announced Wednesday morning that he was recently diagnosed with leukemia and will spend the rest of the summer concentrating on this battle. Full Story
U.S. Rep. Ted Poe took to the House floor on Thursday to denounce the “pathetic” sentencing of Stanford sexual assailant Brock Turner and to demand the removal of the judge who oversaw the case. Full Story
During an upcoming U.S. House recess this month, House Speaker Paul Ryan will make several stops in some of the richest pockets of the state: Austin, Dallas, Fort Worth, Houston, Midland and San Antonio. Full Story
A Washington-based interest group is setting up shop in Texas to try and persuade lawmakers — and the people who usher them into office — to change their tone on U.S.-Cuba relations. Full Story
There's no way that conservative Republicans in Texas could forge strong friendships with New York Democrats, right? Think again. Several members of the Texas delegation share some unexpected across-the-aisle friendships on Capitol Hill. Full Story
Newly filed federal campaign finance reports telegraph which federal House members are worried about re-election, which are eager to ingratiate themselves to colleagues in Washington and who might be in legal trouble. Full Story
As a new survey shows large counties across the U.S. identifying human sex trafficking as a major problem, federal lawmakers and advocates have pointed to Houston as a critical city in their efforts to address the issue. Full Story
Add Greg Abbott, apparently, to those wanting to turn the page on coverage of Wendy Davis' life story. Full Story
Your evening reading: Abbott and Davis square off on education; state insurance regulators move on new rules for health care "navigators"; Amazon drones worry U.S. Rep. Ted Poe Full Story
The U.S. Supreme Court's decision to keep in place for now new restrictions on Texas abortion facilities has thrust the state and the hot-button social issue back into the national spotlight. Full Story
As stakeholders focus on the U.S. Senate during the debate on comprehensive immigration reform, the lower chamber has begun marking up a measure that would expand immigration enforcement powers to local law enforcement. Full Story