Texas education board moves to reinsert Hillary Clinton, Helen Keller into curriculum
The day after backing the motions on Clinton and Keller, the State Board of Education voted to keep Moses in high school U.S. history standards. Full Story
The latest Geraldine "Tincy" Miller news from The Texas Tribune.
The day after backing the motions on Clinton and Keller, the State Board of Education voted to keep Moses in high school U.S. history standards. Full Story
While most education board races are decided in the primaries, the combination of a blue wave and a big chunk of fundraising could upset a historically Republican district in North Texas. Full Story
The official filing period for State Board of Education races hasn't even begun, but the mudslinging certainly has. That's no surprise: Political control over the divisive board hangs in the balance. Full Story
Some of the Republican U.S. Senate candidates fight to appeal to the right, and a domestic partner becomes the centerpiece in a race for the State Board of Education. Full Story
No endorsement yet, but the foreshadowing from Texans for Lawsuit Reform is pretty obvious in San Antonio's Senate race; they're for the challenger. Full Story
This week marks the final meeting of the State Board of Education before former chair Don McLeroy's GOP primary opponent, Thomas Ratliff, takes his seat. But the unapologetic creationist and skeptic of the church-state wall says you haven't seen the last of him yet. “Oh, gosh, no,” he says. “I’m thinking that maybe God’s got something else for me to do.” Full Story
“I was taught evolution, and it didn’t shake my faith in the Almighty whatsoever,” says George Clayton, who pulled off a stunning upset of incumbent Geraldine "Tincy" Miller, R-Dallas, in the GOP primary to win a seat on the State Board of Education. “Should creationism be taught as a counter to evolution? ... No, I don’t think so. I think evolution is in the science book. It should be taught as a science.” Full Story
When no one was paying attention to the State Board of Education, the theory goes, the reelection of incumbents was virtually assured, just as it is in any down-ballot races. Now that its controversial doings are the stuff of national headlines, change is in the air. Or is it? Full Story
The State Board of Education likely won't be quite as much of a Christian Conservative flash point any more. What it will be, however, is anybody’s guess. Full Story
With all precincts reporting, State Board of Education member Geraldine "Tincy" Miller has lost her seat to challenger George Clayton in the GOP primary for District 12. Full Story
Few members of the State Board of Education have finance expertise. Should we be concerned that they manage the investments of the $23 billion Permanent School Fund? Full Story
The State Board of Education, which has showcased some intense philosophical fights, has drawn scrutiny for becoming a partisan battleground. For now, members are just trying to get along — but the rifts are as big as ever. Full Story