A South Texas lawmaker's 15-year fight for a Rio Grande Valley law school
Advocates say a law school in one of the state's poorest regions would exponentially help communities with legal aid. Full Story
The latest Armando "Mando" Martinez news from The Texas Tribune.
Advocates say a law school in one of the state's poorest regions would exponentially help communities with legal aid. Full Story
Legislators are fielding calls about unemployment claims and small-business loans as they juggle steering their own businesses and careers through the disaster. Full Story
House Bill 2583 would charge anyone who shoots a gun without an intended target with a Class A misdemeanor — or a first-degree felony if a serious bodily injury or death occurs as a result. Full Story
In the Roundup: Texas sues the FDA over an execution drug, state Rep. Armando Martinez is shot by "celebratory gunfire" and the 85th Legislative Session is about to kick off. Full Story
After being hit in the head with a bullet shortly after midnight on New Year's Eve, state Rep. Armando Martinez plans to file legislation aimed at reducing or preventing celebratory gun firings. Full Story
State Rep. Armando Martinez, D-Weslaco, is in stable condition after being hit by a “stray bullet” early Sunday morning, according to a report from The Monitor. Full Story
The Transportation track at the 2015 Texas Tribune Festival included panel discussions on high-speed rail, transportation planning, urban mobility and the Legislature. Listen to audio from each session. Full Story
The Trib's multimedia team highlights some of the most memorable — and surprising — moments from the 82nd Legislative Session. Our lawmakers sure do love to make a statement, complete with finger pointing, yelling and props. (Some video courtesy the Texas House, the Texas Senate and legetv.org.) Full Story
A South Texas border brawl, complete with personal attacks about weight and cowardice, took place between former allies Aaron Peña, R-Edinburg, and Armando Martinez, D-Weslaco. Full Story
Democrats stop Voter ID bill on a point of order. The bill now goes back to committee to fix before GOP returns it to Texas House. Full Story
One word in the voter ID bill brought debate in the Texas House to a halt today, postponing passage of the measure — one of Gov. Rick Perry's emergency items — for at least a couple of days. Full Story
Texas produces more law school graduates than it has jobs for. But that hasn’t stopped some lawmakers from proposing that the state build a new law school in the Valley. Full Story