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  • Best-Laid Plans

  • Shapleigh's out and then what?

  • Keeping Count

  • Is there a doctor on the line?

    Perry shakes hands after a speech in the Texas House.
  • And the Winner is...

  • Changing the Odds

  • Reluctantly out in front

    Gail Lowe
  • States struggling to fund Medicaid

    Kaiser Commission on Medicaid and the uninsured. Report: The Crunch Continues: Medicaid spending, coverage and policy in the midst of a recession. Results from a 50-state Medicaid budget survey for state fiscal years 2009 and 2010.
  • Too busy for a review

    Perry shakes hands after a speech in the Texas House.
  • Help Wanted

  • State technology chief resigns

    Perry shakes hands after a speech in the Texas House.
  • Watch That Date

  • Looking for the Levers