On the Records: A Shocking Lobby Gift
A lawmaker who has fought to regulate "stun guns" last year got a TASER from the company's lobbyist. Full Story
A lawmaker who has fought to regulate "stun guns" last year got a TASER from the company's lobbyist. Full Story
Your afternoon reading. Full Story
If editorial boards had the last say, next month’s primaries would be a moot point and gubernatorial candidates could have spent Valentine’s Day eating stale candy like the rest of us. Some of Texas’ largest newspapers weighed in last weekend on their choice for governor and U.S. Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison and former Houston Mayor Bill White grabbed the lion’s share. Full Story
Texans are more worried about the economy and the direction of the country than anything else, according to the new University of Texas/Texas Tribune poll. Other notable findings: Nearly two-thirds support either gay marriage or civil unions, nearly half prefer private health insurance to a government-run plan, and more than a third think the Legislature meets every year. Full Story
Find the salaries of more than 340,000 public employees with our enhanced data application, including those working at the largest state agencies as well as individual public schools, cities and mass-transit operators. And universities: Did you know, for instance, that of the 10 highest-paid professors at the state's two largest universities, nine are Aggies? Full Story
Gov. Rick Perry is well ahead of U.S. Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison and former Wharton County GOP chair Debra Medina, who are locked in a statistical tie for second place in a GOP gubernatorial primary that could go to a runoff, according to a new University of Texas/Texas Tribune Poll. Full Story
Waco's vibrating with a rumor that the Texas-born lawyer nationally known as the independent counsel who ran Bill Clinton to ground will be named president of Baylor University this week. Full Story
Editorial boards at the Beaumont, Lubbock, and Marshall papers are backing the former Houston mayor's run for the Democratic gubernatorial nomination. Full Story
Editorial boards in Beaumont, Lubbock, Marshall and Wichita Falls join their big-city brethren. Full Story
The governor leads the GOP pack with 45 percent, followed by Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchsion at 29 and Debra Medina at 17. Full Story
"[F]ar and away the most qualified candidate to represent the party in seeking to crack the Republican lock on statewide offices." Full Story
"The senator has long been our go-to representative in Washington for getting things done. Texas Republicans would be wise to vote to let her play that same role as governor." Full Story
"Texas needs change and reform in its executive branch of government. The Republican candidate best qualified and most capable of achieving that transformation is Kay Bailey Hutchison." Full Story
"[H]as the experience, qualifications, demeanor and common sense that would justify electing him to statewide office." Full Story
Hu, Philpott, and Ramsey on the Democratic gubernatorial debate, the pre-game, the post-game, and the highlight reel. Thevenot on the push for accountability in persistently low-performing schools. M. Smith on the Republican assault on sitting Republican appellate judge. Hamilton on a county with more than one Tea Party trying to claim conservative voters. With lawmakers staring down a growing budget crunch, Aguilar looks back at the last one for instruction. Grissom finds that U.S. Border Patrol has quietly stopped a program to deport illegal immigrants through Presidio. Ramshaw reports on a West Texas nurse who got into and out of criminal trouble for complaining about a doctor she worked with. The second University of Texas/Texas Tribune Poll finds Rick Perry and Bill White with big leads in their respective party primaries. Rapoport found herself in the eye of the storm, traveling with Debra Medina on the day the candidate unexpectedly and disastrously made national news when Glenn Beck asked her on his radio shows about the attacks on the World Trade Center on 9/11. The best of our best from February 8 to 12, 2010. Full Story
"[C]ould offer his party its best chance to win the Governor's Mansion since Ann Richards." Full Story
I had wanted to shadow the phenom gubernatorial candidate on the trail since before the first GOP debate, and her handlers told me I could do it on February 11. Little did I know, little did they know, that Glenn Beck's questions about 9/11 "truthers" would turn her campaign upside-down right before my eyes. Full Story
"Our state is in need of a statesman." Full Story
"You don't find white people who are willing to work," the Democratic candidate for governor said. But there's more. He also didn't disavow the conspiracy theory that the U.S. government was involved in the 9/11 terrorist attacks. Full Story
Democrat Bill White runs stronger against Republican Rick Perry than either of Perry's Republican primary rivals, according to a new Daily Kos/Research 2000 Texas Poll. Full Story