Students in Texas Illegally Also Eligible for State Aid
The same state law that allows illegal immigrants to pay in-state tuition rates at Texas universities also allows some to be given publicly funded grants to pay for their education. Full Story
Reeve Hamilton worked at the Tribune from 2009 to 2015, covering higher education and politics and hosting the Tribune's weekly podcast. His writing has also appeared in Texas Monthly and The Texas Observer. Born in Houston and raised in Massachusetts, he has a bachelor's degree in English from Vanderbilt University.
The same state law that allows illegal immigrants to pay in-state tuition rates at Texas universities also allows some to be given publicly funded grants to pay for their education. Full Story
The House's interim charges are out, starting with instructions to everyone to consider ways to improve the state's manufacturing capability and increase the "transparency, accountability, and efficiency" in state government. Full Story
House Speaker Joe Straus has released the interim charges that will direct the work of the lower chamber's legislative committees for the next 11 months — and lawmakers will be busy. Full Story
Your afternoon reading: Perry's polling lags in Iowa as he struggles with likability; a media war breaks out around Michael Morton: drought likely to worsen in winter. Full Story
Has Rick Perry found his own “9-9-9”? Tune in to his economic speech next week to find out! Full Story
This week on the TribCast, Ross, Reeve, Kate, and Emily discuss the recent GOP debate, drought and wildfire preparedness, and the future of Texas higher education. Full Story
Tuesday night’s Republican debate became a tempest in a Tea Party as tempers flared and jabs got personal. Full Story
It's not just a UT and A&M thing. Some say efforts to boost productivity at all levels of higher education threaten to cause a statewide faculty morale problem with serious long-term consequences. Full Story
We liveblogged the CNN/Western Republican Leadership Conference debate at the Venetian Resort Hotel Casino in Las Vegas, where Gov. Rick Perry had one more shot to make a better impression before a several-week debate hiatus. Full Story
The accreditation of one of the state's medical schools is in jeopardy, according to a memo from Francisco González-Scarano, dean of the University of Texas School of Medicine in San Antonio, sent to faculty and staff today. Full Story