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Annette Maruska, president of the East Williamson County Republicans, center, welcomes members to a meeting Thursday, July 18, 2024 in Taylor.
2024 Texas Elections

In purple Williamson County, presidential politics casts pall over voters

After an assassination attempt against Trump and growing divisions among national Democrats, Williamson County voters mull the November election.

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Sun City, and age-restricted community seen on Thursday, July 18, 2024, in Georgetown.
Nina Covar points to Precinct 1 on a map of Williamson County Wednesday, July 17, 2024, at her home in Round Rock. Covar is a precinct chair of her local Democratic Party and has volunteered her time to help activate voters ever since Donald Trump announced his bid for presidency in June of 2015. “Even if the Republican party changed their candidate and put up someone that wasn't an autocrat, I would still be on the phone all day long from now until November 5th getting votes in for Joe Biden,” said Covar.
Monica Silva poses for a photo Wednesday, July 17, 2024, on Austin Community College’s Round Rock campus.

Unease over Biden

Nina Covar, a precinct chair for the Williamson County Democratic Party, poses for a photo at her home in Round Rock on Wednesday, July 17, 2024.
Nina Covar, a precinct chair for the Williamson County Democratic Party, phone banks from her home in Round Rock on Wednesday, July 17, 2024.
Members of the Sun City Democrats meet to assemble Taylor Swift friendship bracelets in an effort to engage younger voters ahead of the upcoming elections Thursday, July 18, 2024, in Georgetown.

Republicans are united

Members and guests of the East Williamson County Republicans bow their heads in prayer at the start of a meeting Thursday, July 18, 2024 in Taylor.
Annette Maruska, president of the East Williamson County Republicans, poses for a photo Thursday, July 18, 2024 in Taylor.
Crystal, left, and Charles Votaw listen as Annette Maruska, president of the East Williamson County Republicans kicks off a meeting on Thursday, July 18, 2024 in Taylor.

Voting FAQ: 2024 Elections

  • When is the next election? What dates do I need to know?

  • What’s on the ballot for the general election?

  • How do I make sure I’m registered to vote?

  • How do I register to vote if I haven’t?

  • What can I do if I have questions about voting?

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