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A pro-Israel student listens as University of Texas professors Pavithra Vasudevan and Karma Chavez lead students in a discussion on scholasticide during a pro-Palestinian teach-in on the South Lawn of UT campus on Tuesday, April 30, 2024.

Pro-Palestinian demonstrations at UT-Austin open rift among Jewish students

Some Jewish students see the protests as inherently antisemitic. Others say Jewish history and values make them empathize with Palestinians.

Student protesters, heeding calls to link arms for safety, stand together in between efforts by police to rush into the crowd and arrest attendees on the South Mall Lawn.
Seats fill in the hearing and overflow room at the Texas Senate Subcommittee on Higher Education on free speech on May 14, 2024.
Sam Law, a pro-Palestine Jewish doctoral student at the University of Texas at Austin, poses for a photo in the Fine Arts Library on Thursday, May 23, 2024 in Austin. As a doctoral student in anthropology, Law spends a lot of time in this building working on their dissertation.
UT student Sam Law raises begins to smoke a cigarette shortly after being released from the Travis County Jail following his arrest during the previous day’s demonstration in support of Palestine on UT campus Tuesday, April 30, 2024, in Austin.

Difficult conversations

Israeli-American poet and author Edward Hirsch poses for a photo on Wednesday, May 1, 2024, in Austin.
Palestinian-American poet and author Naomi Shihab Nye poses for a photo on Wednesday, May 1, 2024, in Austin.

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Higher education Protests