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Watch as the Texas House debates school finance bill

We're livestreaming as the Texas House debates legislation aimed at boosting per-student funding for almost every school district and charter in the state.


The state's system of financing public education goes under the microscope Wednesday as the Texas House debates legislation that would inject an extra $1.6 billion into the system.

House Bill 21, authored by House Public Education Chairman Dan Huberty, R-Houston, would increase the base funding the state doles out to districts per student, partially by increasing state funding for schools with bilingual and dyslexic students. With dozens of amendments filed ahead of Wednesday's floor debate, the discussion over HB 21 is expected to take several hours.

Last year, the Texas Supreme Court ruled that the state's school finance system is constitutional but in need of reform. Speaker Joe Straus has said the school finance plan is a priority for the House.

Watch our livestream of the House debate above.

Read related Tribune coverage:

  • The Senate Education Committee discussed a bill that would radically simplify the state's school finance formula, stripping it of some antiquated provisions. Parents and educators who testified wanted a few new provisions added in.
  • The Senate Education Committee is considering extending a decade-old state aid program for small, vulnerable school districts that depend on it for vital operations. The program is set to expire in September.

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Public education State government 85th Legislative Session Dan Huberty School finance Texas House of Representatives Texas Legislature