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Tell us how Donald Trump's deportation plans impact you or your community

How do you think Donald Trump's election — and his proposed immigration and deportation policies — will affect you or undocumented people where you live?

Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump speaks to the crowd during a rally in Austin on Aug. 23, 2016.

In the days since President-elect Donald Trump defeated Hillary Clinton in the race for the White House, the real estate mogul has doubled down on the immigration policies he campaigned on.

On CBS News' "60 Minutes," Trump pledged to deport 2 to 3 million people. He also stuck to his guns on building a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border, though he said he would settle for a fence in some areas.

The Texas Tribune spoke to several undocumented immigrants last week about a Trump presidency. One told us he "wouldn't even know how to get around Mexico" if he was sent back. Another said anyone who is undocumented is "treated like a second-class citizen in this country."

How do Trump's plans affect you? Are you part of a family with at least one person who is undocumented? Do you have any friends or coworkers who fear deportation? Do you live along the border, where Trump's proposed wall could be built? How do you think Trump's election will affect you or undocumented immigrants where you live? 

Help us report on the impact of Trump's proposed immigration policies by completing the short form below. Your privacy is important to us. You may also share stories confidentially by emailing reporter Alexa Ura at

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