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The Ticket

The Ticket: Brown Envelope Season

This week on The Ticket: KUT’s Ben Philpott and the Tribune's Jay Root explain the evolution of the attack ad — and get some analysis on Chris Christie's recent bump in the polls from New Jersey Public Radio's Matt Katz.

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The Ticket

The Ticket was a weekly look at presidential politics from a Texas perspective in the leadup to the 2016 election. It included veteran political reporters Jay Root of The Texas Tribune and Ben Philpott of KUT NewsFind it on SoundCloud and Stitcher

 More in this series 

This week on The Ticket: It's the season of brown envelopes, the anonymous packages dropped on journalists' desks in an effort to discredit candidates. The Texas Tribune's Jay Root and KUT's Ben Philpott dive into the world of opposition research to break down how these attacks are created and distributed. Plus, we'll have analysis on Chris Christie's recent resurgence in the 2016 race from New Jersey Public Radio's Matt Katz.

Visit, where you can find more episodes and links to subscribe on iTunesSoundCloud and Stitcher.


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