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The Brief: May 29, 2015

The Dallas Morning News takes a detailed look at the evolution of the deal on tax cuts this session and finds that at a few critical junctures, the deal almost derailed entirely.

House Ways and Means Chair Dennis Bonnen, R-Angleton, speaks with House Appropriations Chair John Otto, R-Dayton, and House Administration Chair Charlie Geren, R-Fort Worth, on the House floor on May 14, 2015.

The Big Conversation

The Dallas Morning News' Bob Garrett takes a detailed look at the evolution of the deal on tax cuts this session and finds that at a few critical junctures, the deal almost derailed entirely.

He writes:

Straus and Fort Worth GOP Rep. Charlie Geren announced they were suspending talks. Just minutes earlier, a Houston Chronicle reporter had quoted unnamed senators as saying the House was abandoning the sales tax cut that Republicans in the lower chamber had adamantly stood by for months.

Within minutes, the famously gruff Geren told reporters: “There’re no negotiations going on at the present time. The train is off the track. We don’t negotiate in the media.”

Eltife recalled: “They were just furious.”

Republicans came into the session with huge majorities and a state treasury flush with enough cash to easily support the one thing all Republicans agree on: tax cuts. Despite that, it almost all fell apart.

And while talks veered close to the brink at several points during session, lawmakers held together and produced a deal that at this point looks likely to land on the governor's desk.

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The Day Ahead

•    The House and Senate convene at 10 a.m.

•    Last day for House to act on Senate amendments

•    Last day for printing and distribution of Senate copies of conference committee reports on tax and general appropriations bills


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Quote to Note

"I'm going to go visit with the speaker's team and the parliamentarian, but I'm probably not going to ask why. I'm just going to say thanks."

— State Rep. Jason Isaac, R-Dripping Springs, after the House parliamentarian issued a rare reversal of a point of order ruling, which gave new life to his legislation aimed at protecting water wells in western Hays County

News From Home

The latest episode of The Ticket, a co-production of the Tribune and KUT is out. We analyze Carly Fiorina's presidential campaign and talk with Washington Post writer and The Fix blogger Chris Cillizza about how the 2016 race is shaping up.

Trib Events for the Calendar

•    A Conversation About Texas Monthly's Best and Worst Legislators 2015 on June 18 at The Austin Club

•    The Texas Tribune Festival on Oct. 16-18 at the University of Texas at Austin

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Charlie Geren Dan Patrick Dawnna Dukes Dennis Bonnen Greg Abbott Jason A. Isaac Joe Straus José R. Rodríguez Tom Craddick

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