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T-Squared: An Attitude of Gratitude

It's the final day of our fall pledge drive. If you've renewed your membership or signed up for the first time, thanks so much. We couldn't do it without you and wouldn't want to do it for anyone but you. If you haven't, there's still time!

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We're at the tail end of our fall pledge drive — the sixth time we've carved out a chunk of the calendar for this purpose since our launch four years ago, and our first five-day affair. It's been a good week, with many old friends and a whole bunch of new ones pitching in support. We had a packed happy hour on Wednesday in Austin. I raised the flag in Laredo yesterday, and our editor, Emily Ramshaw, did the same in El Paso. Our reporters were typically here, there, and everywhere.

Overwhelmingly, the feeling at Trib HQ is gratitude: for the opportunity to produce this public-spirited work, for the generous contributions that fund our increasingly ambitious operations, for the experience of laboring alongside some of the finest journalists in America, for the continued trust of readers and viewers who know that "nonpartisan news" isn't an oxymoron, for the national spotlight that put our innovative economic and content model before an ever-widening audience, and, most of all, for the wealth of great material that has been Texas politics in 2013. This stuff very nearly writes itself.

If you've donated since Monday — if you've renewed your membership or signed up for the first time — fantastic. We couldn't do it without you and wouldn't want to do it for anyone but you. If you haven't, there's still time. That clock on our home page will run out eventually, but not yet. (And even when it does, as we say around the Capitol, you can always climb aboard the late train.)

News, data and events. Access, accountability and transparency. You're know why we're here. You know why you're here. Please give. Thanks!

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