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The Brief: Aug. 14, 2013

The chorus of Democratic voices calling on state Sen. Wendy Davis to run for governor continues to swell.

Sen. Wendy Davis, D-Fort Worth, during her filibuster of an abortion bill on June 25, 2013.

The Big Conversation

The chorus of Democratic voices calling on state Sen. Wendy Davis to run for governor continues to swell.

On Tuesday, four Texas Democratic groups, including the state party, launched campaigns urging Davis, D-Fort Worth, to enter the race.

The groups, which also included Annie's List, the Lone Star Project and Battleground Texas, sent messages and petitions to supporters on Tuesday in hopes of rallying support for Davis and identifying potential volunteers and donors. 

"Besides wanting to show Wendy Davis that she has a broad network of people who want her to run, we wanted to also ask people what they wanted to do to help her," said Grace Garcia, the executive director of Annie's List, which on Tuesday debuted "We consider this an online recruiting effort on our part."

Matt Angle, founder of the Lone Star Project, added in an interview with the Austin American-Statesman: "There is a consensus among people who are really looking at the 2014 election that we would like her to run, and we think she has the potential to win. … We hope it encourages her to say yes."

The groups' effort came just over a week after Davis, who was propelled to national stardom in June after filibustering an abortion bill, said she would either run for re-election or run for governor. She has said since that she'll announce her decision within the "next couple of weeks."


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•    Campbell draws Republican challenger (San Antonio Express-News): "State Sen. Donna Campbell of New Braunfels, a tea party darling, has drawn her first challenger for the 2014 Republican primary. Mike Novak, a former Bexar County commissioner and one-time chairman of the Greater San Antonio Chamber of Commerce, told the San Antonio Express-News on Tuesday that he plans to challenge Campbell in Senate District 25."

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•    U.S., Filing Suit, Moves to Block Airline Merger (The New York Times): "After a decade of rapid consolidation in the nation’s airline industry, the Justice Department filed a lawsuit on Tuesday to block the proposed merger between American Airlines and US Airways, which would create the world’s largest airline. … Joining the Justice Department in filing the suit were attorneys general from Texas and Arizona, where American and US Airways are based, as well as Florida, the District of Columbia, Pennsylvania, Tennessee and Virginia."

Quote to Note: "That would be safe to say, yes." — Former U.S. Rep. Ron Paul, asked by Fox NewsNeil Cavuto whether he would oppose New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie if he ran for president in 2016


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Wendy Davis