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The Evening Brief: July 15, 2013

Your evening reading: Candidates' fundraising numbers trickling out; Perry talks 2016; D.C. fundraiser planned for Davis.

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•    Wendy Davis Raises Nearly $1 Million: "State Sen. Wendy Davis, the new star of the Texas Democratic Party, raised nearly $1 million in the final two weeks of June, much of it from small donors who sent her money after she launched her famous filibuster of a restrictive abortion bill. … Meanwhile, Battleground Texas, a Democratic group hoping to make Texas more hospitable to would-be statewide candidates like Davis, will report that it raised more than $1.1 million for since late February, officials said."

•    Abortion Rights Protesters Question DPS Security Report: "Attempting to sort out a dispute over items banned from a Senate hearing last week, Sen. Kevin Eltife, R-Tyler, said Monday that 'nobody has a reason to make up a story about this.' The Texas Department of Public Safety issued a news release Friday on items kept out of the Senate chamber, saying officers had discovered more than a dozen jars containing 'suspected' feces and urine at the Capitol ahead of the Senate's debate on abortion restrictions."

•    Combs: 2006 Study Will Not Be Revisited: "State Comptroller Susan Combs has told U.S. Rep. Pete Gallego that her office will not update a 2006 cost-benefit study that analyzed the economic impact of the state’s undocumented immigrant population. Citing staffing losses, budget constraints and changes in federal and state laws, Combs informed the Alpine Democrat that the analysis would not be revisited."

•    Health Care Providers Bracing for Medicaid Enrollment: "Under Gov. Rick Perry’s leadership, Texas will not expand Medicaid eligibility to poor adults. But enrollment in the state’s health program for indigent children and the disabled will still swell in 2014 under new rules created by the federal Affordable Care Act."

•    On Impeachment Probe, Committee in Uncharted Waters: "A legislative committee charged with weighing the impeachment of University of Texas System Regent Wallace Hall is easing its way into a process that has relatively little historical precedent or statutory guidance."


•    Rick Perry: Back for more in 2016? (The Washington Post): "As he exited the 2012 Republican presidential race last year, Texas Gov. Rick Perry uttered a memorable assessment of his performance: 'It was the weakest Republican field in history, and they kicked my butt!' Yet, he might be coming back for more in 2016. … 'Listen,' he said. 'America’s been a country of second choices.' Did he mean second choices or second chances? 'Both,' he said. 'Second choices and second chances. . . . If one performance or a series of performances pretty much blackballs you, then it does. But I don’t think that’s what this country’s all about.'"

•    DC lobbyists will stand with Wendy Davis next week (The Washington Examiner): "State Sen. Wendy Davis, D-Texas, after achieving national fame with her talking filibuster of a bill banning abortions after five months of pregnancy, plans to stand with lobbyists at a fundraiser in Washington D.C. next week, the Washington Examiner has learned. Prospective donors should contribute $500 apiece to have breakfast with Davis, the invitation email — which the Washington Examiner obtained from a lobbyist — suggests."

•    George P. Bush raises $2M to fund bid for Texas land commissioner (The Associated Press): "George P. Bush is raising money for his bid for Texas land commissioner at a clip befitting his famous political pedigree, saying Monday that he collected $2 million during the first six months of the year for race that looks to be a slam dunk for him."

•    Patrick jumpstarts lite guv race with $100K in 72 hours (Houston Chronicle): "Sen. Dan Patrick, R-Houston, said he raised $100,000 in the first 72 hours following his announcement for lieutenant governor on June 27, bringing his total cash reserves up to $2.1 million. He has joined two other Republican officeholders — Land Commissioner Jerry Patterson and Agriculture Commissioner Todd Staples — in challenging Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst."

•    Patterson raises $417K for Lite Gov. race (San Antonio Express-News): "Land Commissioner Jerry Patterson, who is running for lieutenant governor, reported raising more than $417,000 during the June 17-30 reporting period, according to his campaign finance report."

•    Sen. John Cornyn’s warchest swells to $5.85 million; $2.3m sets pace last quarter (The Dallas Morning News): "Sen. John Cornyn doesn’t face any big name opposition at the moment. But he’s girding for battle next year anyway. He raised $2.3 million in the second quarter of 2013, pushing his stockpile to $5.85, his campaign reported today. His tally for the year so far is just under $4.2 million."

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