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The Brief: April 3, 2013

Amid fierce debate this week, a Senate Republican has started work on his own "Texas solution" to Medicaid reform.

Department of Public Safety troopers guard the governor's office on April 1, 2013, as a group protests Republicans' stance on Medicaid expansion.

The Big Conversation

Amid fierce debate this week, a Senate Republican has started work on his own "Texas solution" to Medicaid reform.

State Sen. Tommy Williams' office said on Tuesday that he is in the early stages of developing a reform plan that would give Texas lawmakers more time to mull directives from the federal government to expand Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act.

In dueling press conferences on Monday, top Republicans reasserted their opposition to the expansion, which they have said would bankrupt the state, while Democrats cast the expansion as a moral issue and called on state leaders to broker a deal with the federal government.

Rather than expanding the state's Medicaid rolls, Williams' plan would use tax revenue to subsidize private health plans for poor, uninsured Texans starting in late 2015. The revenue would come from the premium tax that insurers would pay after selling policies to Texans who obtain coverage through the state's new health insurance exchange, an online marketplace mandated by the Affordable Care Act. (In states, like Texas, that refused to set up their own exchanges, the federal government will administer its own one-size-fits-all plan.)

"The bottom line is, he's trying to buy some time to see how the exchange works," said Gary Scharrer, a spokesman for Williams, R-The Woodlands. "If it works as proposed, it should generate premium tax revenue that can be used to subsidize private market plans for those who lack coverage."

Williams, the chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, has emerged as a key figure in the expansion debate. Last month he penned an op-ed in The Dallas Morning News in which he detailed possible "Texas solutions" to Medicaid, including co-pays and deductibles for Medicaid recipients and the expansion of Medicaid managed care.


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