The Midday Brief: June 6, 2011
Your afternoon reading: Ron Paul raises $1 million in anti-"RomneyCare" moneybomb; Kansas governor confirms attendance at Perry prayer event; education protests continue Full Story
Your afternoon reading: Ron Paul raises $1 million in anti-"RomneyCare" moneybomb; Kansas governor confirms attendance at Perry prayer event; education protests continue Full Story
If Gov. Rick Perry's gunning for conservatives ahead of a presidential run, he's not holding back. Full Story
For the latest installment of our unscientific survey of political and policy insiders, we asked some questions about the special session, who benefits, how long it will last and whether a certain Fort Worth senator has helped or hurt her political future. Full Story
If you wanted to know where the governor, the lieutenant governor and the speaker of the House would stand at the end of the legislative session, you could have seen it all months ago. Full Story
During the regular session, Gov. Rick Perry’s top legislative priority for higher education was the implementation of a new financing system that rewards universities for graduating more students, not just for getting students into classes. Why didn't that happen? Full Story
The Legislature finished on Monday and came back on Tuesday to do in a few days what they could not accomplish in 140 Full Story
State Sen. Wendy Davis' controversial decision to torpedo the 82nd Legislative session with a filibuster has catapulted the Fort Worth Democrat into the spotlight, which she has seized to try to mobilize the state’s downtrodden and outnumbered Democrats. Full Story
Texans for Accountable Government and their coalition partners rallied on the front steps of the Texas Capitol Saturday, urging Gov. Rick Perry to support HB 1937. The so-called "TSA groping" bill, by state Rep. David Simpson, R-Longview, would restrict instrusive screening practices by security personnel. Full Story
Aaronson and Grissom on a freshman lawmaker who didn't mind making waves, Aguilar on E-Verify's new lease on life, Galbraith on the state's plodding progress toward solar power, Hamilton on Warren Chisum's exit, Philpott on the remapping of Lloyd Doggett's district, Ramsey on a proposed change to ethics laws for Texas pols, Ramshaw on efforts by the state to take control of Medicaid and Medicare, Root on why a Rick presidential bid shouldn't be underestimated, M. Smith on the unraveling of school finance legislation and Tan and Dehn on the highs and lows of the 82nd legislative session: The best of our best content from May 30 to June 3, 2011. Full Story
After last ditch efforts from Democrats to increase funding for schools through closing tax loopholes and tapping the Rainy Day Fund failed, two budget bills quickly cleared the Senate Friday night. Full Story
State GOP leaders want quick action on a new congressional map that would transform the district of Tea Party godfather Ron Paul. Paul says he doesn't feel "targeted" by the proposal. Full Story
Want a quick recap of some of the happenings this week in the Texas Legislature? We've made it easier for you with our weekly video rundown of the action under the dome. Full Story
Congrats, "acw": You're our QRANK:TT winner for May, with a score of 112,218 points. And now on to our June game, in which the fabulous prize you're competing for is... Full Story
Your afternoon reading: quick debate sought for congressional maps; school finance back in the Senate; smoking ban gets new life Full Story
School finance likely hits the Senate floor this afternoon. Will anything change? Full Story
Many Texas lawmakers have the resources to stay in Austin a few extra weeks — or even months — for special sessions. But others take a big fiscal hit. And it takes a personal toll on all of them. Full Story
Texas’ long-shot efforts to take control of Medicare and Medicaid — the health programs for the elderly, the disabled and the state’s poorest children — from the feds are back on the table. Full Story
Having already beaten Democrats to a pulp this session, the Texas Legislature's mighty Republican majority may have just set its sights on a new, more unexpected target: Ron Paul. Full Story
Texas lawmakers are back for a special session that started the day after their 140-day regular session. That’s something like sprinting to the finish of a long race and having your coach yell, just as you break the tape, “One more lap.” Full Story
Rep. David Simpson, a conservative Tea Party freshman from Longview, stood out in the Texas 82nd legislative session for his principled stance on limited government. His actions stirred criticism, laughs and curiosity from fellow lawmakers. Check out this interactive timeline with links to stories, videos and documents to take a look back at the waves Simpson made in the Texas Legislature. Full Story