The HB 1 Apostates Explain Themselves
Several members of the Legislature bucked their parties Saturday night in voting for or against the state budget. In their own words, here's why. Full Story
Several members of the Legislature bucked their parties Saturday night in voting for or against the state budget. In their own words, here's why. Full Story
Lawmakers were hoping to get out of Austin with their business done, without the prospect of a special session this summer. Fat chance. Full Story
For the latest installment of our unscientific survey of political and policy insiders, we asked some questions about the governor's flirtation with a presidential run and about the Legislature's decision not to take on congressional redistricting. Full Story
As the 82nd regular session comes to a close, we pause a moment to remember some of the more notable statements of the last 140 days. And we invite you to join us by taking a special quiz we've created to commemorate the occasion. Full Story
He served as a metaphor for Texas in transition. From the boom and bust of the oil industry to the state’s political makeover, he personified the changes that occurred during his lifetime. Full Story
It simultaneously looks as though they will finish on time and as though they'll come to pieces, forcing a special session. Full Story
This session we have seen an all out assault on women's health driven by the erroneous assumption that family planning is synonymous with abortion. Full Story
Former Texas Gov. William "Bill" Clements Jr., 94, who broke the Democratic Party's century-long hold on the Governor's Mansion with his election in 1978, died Sunday. Full Story
With less than two days left in the legislative session, lawmakers set out to pay for the budget by passing SB 1811. Without it, the budget doesn't balance and lawmakers will be forced to come back in a special session. It passed in the House, but was undone by a Senate filibuster. Full Story
The marathon negotiations over the Texas Windstorm Insurance Association failed to produce a bill, probably prompting a special session later this summer over that issue. Full Story
The 82nd Texas Legislature’s regular session ends as it started, with lawmakers arguing about a shrunken state budget and redistricting. Full Story
Texas lawmakers passed a two-year state budget on Saturday that cuts $15.2 billion from current spending — most of that in health and human services — but avoids increased taxes and leaves $6.5 billion untouched in the state's Rainy Day Fund. Full Story
Gov. Rick Perry opened the door to a special session on congressional redistricting — but only if leaders agree to a map in advance. Full Story
Many thought this was the year. But Rep. Myra Crownover, R-Denton, acknowledged on Saturday that a measure establishing a statewide smoking ban in Texas is dead. Full Story
Root profiles conservative activist Michael Quinn Sullivan, Aaronson on the Senate's flare-up over an airport groping ban, Grissom on some twisted logic in the state's same-sex marriage laws, Murphy and Macrander expand and refresh our public employee salary database, yours truly with the latest University of Texas/Texas Tribune poll results on politics, issues, the state's finances, and race, Ramshaw's report on how some of the governor's former aides now represent clients who want more money in the state budget, M. Smith on last-minute efforts to save education legislation that didn't make it through the process, Tan reports on efforts to finish the state budget before the session ends on Monday, and Dehn with the video week in review: The best of our best from May 9 to 13, 2011. Full Story
The flap in the House and Senate this week over a political flyer showing an infant nursing at a bare breast has rekindled an age-old discussion: Is there sexism in the Texas Capitol? Full Story
A side comment by Texas A&M University System regent that was caught on camera during Thursday's board of regents meeting indicates that the group might be willing to eliminate a controversial teaching award program. Full Story
Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst said leaders in the House and Senate had agreed on a school finance plan as he left a meeting with education and budget chiefs from both chambers. Full Story
A measure eyed by some lawmakers as a means to stop the flow of illicit cash and weapons into Mexico via the Texas border is on life support. Full Story
Your afternoon reading: Perry says he'll "think about" running for president; 5 p.m. deadline for school finance deal; Dan Patrick announces exploratory committee for U.S. Senate Full Story