The Brief: Aug. 11, 2010
Washington dangled bait in front of Gov. Rick Perry on Tuesday, but the governor still isn't biting. Full Story
Washington dangled bait in front of Gov. Rick Perry on Tuesday, but the governor still isn't biting. Full Story
The longtime House member from Plano and newly installed chancellor of the Texas State University System (sorry, Sen. Wentworth) talked to the Tribune on Thursday about why he took the job, the importance of Hispanic outreach, the case against cutting the state's higher ed budget, the trouble with the Legislature and what a good governor shouldn't do. Full Story
For legal purposes, where you sleep is only part of the answer to where you live. There's also where you vote, where you intend to reside, whether you consider your nesting place temporary and where you pay taxes. Full Story
On Tuesday, a House committee heard arguments over the future of the controversial Driver Responsibility Program — which pits outrage over heavy traffic fines on the poor against the state's need to finance trauma care in hospitals, which benefit from the fines. Full Story
A large majority of the residents of Texas cities on the U.S.-Mexico border feel relatively safe despite harsh rhetoric from lawmakers and a consistent media portrayal of their communities as war zones, according to a poll released today. Full Story
Your afternoon reading. Full Story
President Barack Obama's whirlwind sweep through Texas on Monday left in its wake some roused spirits and empty wallets but … not a whole lot else. Full Story
Five of the nine members of the state's Commission on Jail Standards, which oversees the 245 county lockups, are elected officials from or employees of the counties whose facilities they regulate. Advocates say that's a conflict of interest, and they're calling for a change in the commission's makeup. Full Story
At Goose Island, near Rockport, some of the nearly 200 pelicans rescued from the Gulf oil spill and sent to Texas seem to be thriving. But officials are holding their breath to see whether the rescued birds stick around or fly back to habitats that may still be contaminated. "Wildlife do crazy things," says the manager of the Aransas National Wildlife Refuge. "That's why they're called 'wild.'" But the ones that stay could face survival struggles, too, from coastal litter and competition with other species for food. Full Story
In his first trip to the Texas capital as president, Barack Obama served up little news but plenty of red meat for supporters. Check out our pool report from his fundraiser and our audio, video and slideshow of his UT-Austin speech. Full Story
The Waco Democrat, in the fight of his career as he runs for re-election in the most Republican House district held by a Democrat anywhere in the country, got a big boost Monday when the National Rifle Association's Victory Fund announced it would support him over his GOP opponent, Bill Flores. Full Story
In a letter formally declining El Paso County's request for an opinion on transgender marriages in Texas, Attorney Greg Abbott's office said it would not opine on the issue because a case currently in court could clear up the question. Full Story
After a brief tarmac meeting with President Barack Obama, Gov. Rick Perry returned to bashing the administration over border security. Full Story
Watch the start of President Barack Obama's Monday speech at the University of Texas. Full Story
The menu, the people, the president. Details from inside the Austin DNC fundraiser headlined by President Barack Obama. Full Story
The Texas attorney general accuses BP of "once again prioritizing profits over environmental compliance" at its Texas City refinery. Full Story
Your afternoon reading. Full Story
Bill White deciding to travel to points far from Austin and Dallas while President Barack Obama visits the state today to raise money and speak at the University of Texas presents us with yet another mountain-out-of-a-molehill political story in the long, hot summer of gassy coverage of the governor’s race. A look at Obama’s standing in Texas makes it clear that White would be nuts to share a stage with Obama unless he feels like doing a favor for Gov. Rick Perry’s ad team. Full Story
Gov. Rick Perry's campaign has produced a star-studded web video in honor of President Barack Obama's visit to Texas. Full Story
President Obama's in Texas today. The forecast: sunny skies, triple-digit highs and … a 100-percent chance of awkwardness. Full Story