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HuTube: White Takes the Perry Challenge

The Bill White campaign took seriously Gov. Rick Perry's challenge last week to find "anybody who can outwork" him.

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When we asked Gov. Rick Perry last Thursday why his work schedules for the first half of 2010 appear to show him working an average of seven hours a week, an issue raised by his opponent, he said, "If they've made anybody who can outwork me yet, please introduce me to him."

The crack spurred the campaign of gubernatorial challenger Bill White to spend their holiday weekend finding supporters to virtually introduce to the governor. Check out the resulting campaign web video, released today:

In response to White's "part-time Perry" line of attack, the governor has said his public schedules do not begin to reflect all the time he spends working, and in fact he works "24/7" for Texans. 

Side note: Both campaigns seem to be using our raw video to throw punches at one another, as the White campaign did here. (Team Perry has chosen a few of our KBH clips last fall for its campaign use.)  We prefer to get some attribution for our, uh, contributions, but since we love to share, we'll let it slide.

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2010 elections Bill White Griffin Perry Rick Perry