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T-Squared: Question Time

If you were interviewing Speaker Joe Straus on Wednesday morning, what would you ask him?

Joe Straus, Speaker, Texas House of Representatives

This Wednesday morning, as part of the TribLive events series that we're thrilled finally to be launching, I'll be interviewing Joe Straus, Speaker of the Texas House of Representatives, before an audience of a couple hundred at downtown Austin's storied Austin Club. We'll be audio- and videotaping the proceedings for our site (look for multimedia mastermind Elise Hu's handiwork a week or so from now) and for an iTunes podcast. I want to cover a lot of topics in thirty minutes, but surely there are things I'm not thinking of, so: If you were interviewing the Speaker, what would you ask him?

Thanks in advance for all suggestions — good, bad, and just plain weird.

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State government Joe Straus Texas Legislature