Our gentle genius of a software engineer, Niran Babalola, working with reporter extraordinaire Matt "Data" Stiles, gets the credit for a great addition to our elected officials directory: a complete list of every staffer who works for a member of the Texas Legislature published on that member's page. Now the curious and furious among you can see, with little effort required, who Leo Berman's legislative director is (Andy Kuchera!) or who Kirk Watson's policy director is (some guy married to an editor at the Statesman!). And we've (or should I say, Niran has) made it very easy send those staffers mash notes or hate mail: Click a name and your e-mail program automatically opens up a new message that's pre-set to send to the correct address.
Coming soon-ish, we hope: staff listings for statewide electeds and members of Congress. Back to work, Niran!
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