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The revolution will not be televised

It may not be Mad Men, but the State Board on Education will begin broadcasting its meetings online on Wednesday.

It may not be Mad Men, but the State Board on Education will begin broadcasting its meetings online on Wednesday. 

Audio files of SBOE meetings are already available, but Debbie Ratcliffe, TEA's communications director, said video will make it "easier to tell who's actually talking."

The audio broadcasts already have hundreds of listeners, and TEA currently has capacity for a thousand viewers. "I'm not sure that the numbers will be too different [for video]," Ratcliffe said.

The videos will stream from, which also streams meetings for other agencies. TEA will link to live streams, and the files will remain online for another six months, and archived offline for another five years after that.

The change comes as a result of Donna Howard's HB 772, which requires live and archived videos of the meetings be available to the public.

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Public education State government Donna Howard Education State agencies State Board of Education Texas Education Agency