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Farewell to "Keko"

Sounds and photos from the funeral of Sergio Adrían Hernández Güereca, 15, in Ciudad Juárez. Güereca was shot and killed on June 7 by a U.S. Border Patrol agent on the banks of the Rio Grande near downtown El Paso.

By Ivan Pierre Aguirre

On June 10, photographer Ivan Pierre Aguirre went into Ciudad Juárez to photograph the funeral of Sergio Adrían Hernández Güereca at the Jardines del Recuerdo cemetery on the outskirts of the city. Güereca, 15, was shot and killed June 7 on the Mexican side of the Rio Grande, near the Paso del Norte Bridge in downtown El Paso by a U.S. Border Patrol agent who was trying to make an arrest during a rock-throwing incident. The agent was on the U.S. side of the bridge. The corrido was written by Gilbert Aguirre, a guitar player who plays daily for passersby as they walk over the international bridge. He witnessed the shooting. 

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