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On the Records: If You Can See This ...

... you aren't among the 40 percent of Texans who don't use the Internet, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. Only Mississippi and West Virginia have a lower percentage of residents using the Web.

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Perhaps we should rethink this whole online news experiment?

Only three out of every five Texans use the Internet, placing the state near the bottom nationally, according to a survey released today by the U.S. Census Bureau.

Texas ranked above only Mississippi and West Virginia in the percentage of its population that goes online, about 10 percentage points below the national rate. Alaska tops the list at 80 percent, followed by Washington, Utah, Vermont and Minnesota.

The survey also calculated the percentage of people who use the Internet at home. Texas ranks above only Oklahoma, New Mexico, Arkansas, South Carolina, Alabama, Mississippi. Topping the list was New Hamshire, followed respectively by Alaska, Utah, New Jersey and Connecticut.

Nearly 85 percent of people in the Granite State use the Internet from home, about 20 percentage points above Texas.

Here's an interactive chart with the last statistic:

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